by Jian, tcm, SiTU
was a global problem
from the beginning!
“There are a thousand things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his dreams. In order to act consciously with the intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces which keep man in a state of sleep. First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but hypnotic sleep. Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic state is continually maintained and strengthened in him. One would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth and understanding his position.”
- G. I. Gurdjieff
Strong filmmaking, masterfully shot, universal, shocking, eerie, profound, no narration, just stark reality. It strips away of the layers of just how we as a race have distorted just about everything in the natural world and commodified it at our own peril, while losing our soul and any natural connection it used to have.
To the rhythm of conveyor belts and immense machines, the film looks without commenting into the places where food is produced in Europe: monumental spaces, surreal landscapes and bizarre sounds – a cool, industrial environment which leaves little space for individualism. People, animals, crops and machines play a supporting role in the logistics of this system which provides our society’s standard of living.
The documentary depicts how modern food production companies employ technology to maximize efficiency, consumer safety and profit. It consists mainly of actual working situations without voice-over narration or interviews as the director tries to let viewers form their own opinion on the subject. The names of the companies where the footage was filmed are purposely not shown. The director’s goal is to provide a realistic view on the internal workings of multiple food production companies in our modern society.
Aanstaande zaterdag ga ik naar Amsterdam. Het is mooi geweest. PvdA en VVD kopen voor 4,5 miljard euro straaljagers, terwijl de mensen die het minste hebben, toch weer het hardst gepakt worden. Het aantal mensen in de bijstand en WW loopt op tot boven de 900 duizend. Bijna 1 miljoen mensen die geen werk hebben en geen fatsoenlijk inkomen om hun gezin te onderhouden. Dát zijn de harde gevolgen van het kabinetsbeleid, het zijn politieke keuzes! Het kan en moet anders. Duizenden mensen komen zaterdag naar Amsterdam omdat ze het gedraai van PvdA en VVD zat zijn. Wij zeggen ‘Basta!’ tegen de extra bezuinigingen en we strijden vóór een politieke ommezwaai. Vóór investeringen! Vóór hoop en optimisme en tegen dit kabinet dat ons land verlamt. Ik hoop u daar te zien! Laat via Facebook weten of u erbij bent of kijk op of er vanuit uw woonplaats busvervoer naar Amsterdam geregeld wordt! Tot zaterdag! | ||
Emile Roemer |