aanschaf door Defensie
aanschaf door Defensie
onbemande vliegtuigjes zijn prima in te zetten voor
spionagedoeleinden, observatie en "crowd control" in eigen
onbemande vliegtuigjes zijn prima in te zetten voor
spionagedoeleinden, observatie en "crowd control" in eigen

Gemeentelijke fusies
leveren geen geld op. Dat meldde de NOS deze week in reactie op het
regeerakkoord waarin staat dat fusies een bezuiniging van honderden
miljoenen euro oplevert. Het regeerakkoord baseert zich niet op
empirisch onderzoek, maar op logica en bestuurstheorie. Echter, het
enige onderzoek naar de werkelijke kosteneffecten van fusies geeft
een ander beeld: fusies blijken geen bezuiniging op te leveren.
Sterker, ze kosten 10 tot 20 procent méér. Next.checkt beoordeelt
de bewering dat gemeentelijke fusies geen geld
opleveren daarom als waar.______
leveren geen geld op. Dat meldde de NOS deze week in reactie op het
regeerakkoord waarin staat dat fusies een bezuiniging van honderden
miljoenen euro oplevert. Het regeerakkoord baseert zich niet op
empirisch onderzoek, maar op logica en bestuurstheorie. Echter, het
enige onderzoek naar de werkelijke kosteneffecten van fusies geeft
een ander beeld: fusies blijken geen bezuiniging op te leveren.
Sterker, ze kosten 10 tot 20 procent méér. Next.checkt beoordeelt
de bewering dat gemeentelijke fusies geen geld
opleveren daarom als waar.______
the 18th century a tulip-bulb could cost you 6 to 7000
guilders. An amount of money, you could buy a nice house for. This
was at the end of a period of speculation and collective greed. The
market-value exceeded the intrinsic value of the product many times.
the 18th century a tulip-bulb could cost you 6 to 7000
guilders. An amount of money, you could buy a nice house for. This
was at the end of a period of speculation and collective greed. The
market-value exceeded the intrinsic value of the product many times.
market collapsed, the bubble exploded and many people did loose a lot
of money. The same happened in England, where the stock of
railway-companies only seemed to rise. When the railway-stocks
crashed, many investors, especially the private one, remained empty
market collapsed, the bubble exploded and many people did loose a lot
of money. The same happened in England, where the stock of
railway-companies only seemed to rise. When the railway-stocks
crashed, many investors, especially the private one, remained empty
is filled with bubbles. In the last century bio-technology was hot.
New companies drew lots of eager investors, who all expected big
profits. Everything went well, untill the results were meager and the
money went elsewhere.
is filled with bubbles. In the last century bio-technology was hot.
New companies drew lots of eager investors, who all expected big
profits. Everything went well, untill the results were meager and the
money went elsewhere.
Western economy is in crisis, because in 2008 the next bubble
exploded; the house- and real estate market collapsed. Speculation
and a belief in eternal growth had driven prices through the ceiling.
On the other hand houses, appartments and office-buildings became
unaffordable for the general public or stayed empty because of the
stagnating economy. Banks and investors are in very big trouble, so
are private owners. Prices are going down. This means for
house-owners, that their mortgage is actual higher, than the market
Western economy is in crisis, because in 2008 the next bubble
exploded; the house- and real estate market collapsed. Speculation
and a belief in eternal growth had driven prices through the ceiling.
On the other hand houses, appartments and office-buildings became
unaffordable for the general public or stayed empty because of the
stagnating economy. Banks and investors are in very big trouble, so
are private owners. Prices are going down. This means for
house-owners, that their mortgage is actual higher, than the market
and investors will have to take enormous losses. The property they
own is sometimes even worth nothing (a brandnew airport, that is
never used). A small Dutch bank is slowly going under, because the
estate-division is bankrupt.
and investors will have to take enormous losses. The property they
own is sometimes even worth nothing (a brandnew airport, that is
never used). A small Dutch bank is slowly going under, because the
estate-division is bankrupt.
the next bubble is about to burst. It's called: the dot.com-bubble.
In recent years dot.com-companies, like Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo,
Google and many, many more, have made a colossal amount of money,
while delivering a “virtual reality”, which experts predict, is
losing (economic) ground. While almost everybody is expecting the
dot.com-bubble to inflate, the next one is gaining momentum. When you
want to make money in the nearby fruture, you have to invest “green”.
If you want to keep the money, you have “to leave the building”
at the right moment.
the next bubble is about to burst. It's called: the dot.com-bubble.
In recent years dot.com-companies, like Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo,
Google and many, many more, have made a colossal amount of money,
while delivering a “virtual reality”, which experts predict, is
losing (economic) ground. While almost everybody is expecting the
dot.com-bubble to inflate, the next one is gaining momentum. When you
want to make money in the nearby fruture, you have to invest “green”.
If you want to keep the money, you have “to leave the building”
at the right moment.
North American Ufologists and UFO-research organizations want to
quite. There is no interest anymore and the number of sightings is
dropping dramatically. Soon a major conference will be held about
this topic of continuing the hard work.
North American Ufologists and UFO-research organizations want to
quite. There is no interest anymore and the number of sightings is
dropping dramatically. Soon a major conference will be held about
this topic of continuing the hard work.
the other hand, the internet is flooded with pictures and video's of
strange sightings, aerial phenomena and possible ufo's. They show
themselves in all sizes and shapes, all over the world.
the other hand, the internet is flooded with pictures and video's of
strange sightings, aerial phenomena and possible ufo's. They show
themselves in all sizes and shapes, all over the world.
and experts reveal new and astonishing insights about the world
around us and about our own potential and destiny. We are benevolent
beings slowly liberating ourselves from the web of deception existing
around us. Aliens are not benevolent! They vary from pure evil to
entities, that really don't care. By means, beyond our comprehension,
they influence us and force us tto live in a world, that fits them
and experts reveal new and astonishing insights about the world
around us and about our own potential and destiny. We are benevolent
beings slowly liberating ourselves from the web of deception existing
around us. Aliens are not benevolent! They vary from pure evil to
entities, that really don't care. By means, beyond our comprehension,
they influence us and force us tto live in a world, that fits them
has not produced a single bit of evidence in 60 years. No crashed ufo
or surviving alien. A lot of anecdotal information, with little or no
relevance at all. The focus on “encounters” was one big hoax,
stimulated and fed, to drain the energy of “believers” by
focussing them on details. Only recently the attention of researchers
changed. Suddenly ufo's were “tendencies to exist” and the result
of demonic activity. This development put all kinds of alien contact
in a completely different perspective. For believers ufo's and aliens
are benevolent and want to save humankind and our planet. Channeling
and being a contactee prepares the human soul for further
manipulation. Idea's of supremacy (as beings), superior technology
and joining a Galactic Federation, are imprinted. As above, so below
and an “alien” Elite is created, to impress the masses, which
generates life-style extremes, the alien entities like.
has not produced a single bit of evidence in 60 years. No crashed ufo
or surviving alien. A lot of anecdotal information, with little or no
relevance at all. The focus on “encounters” was one big hoax,
stimulated and fed, to drain the energy of “believers” by
focussing them on details. Only recently the attention of researchers
changed. Suddenly ufo's were “tendencies to exist” and the result
of demonic activity. This development put all kinds of alien contact
in a completely different perspective. For believers ufo's and aliens
are benevolent and want to save humankind and our planet. Channeling
and being a contactee prepares the human soul for further
manipulation. Idea's of supremacy (as beings), superior technology
and joining a Galactic Federation, are imprinted. As above, so below
and an “alien” Elite is created, to impress the masses, which
generates life-style extremes, the alien entities like.
murder, death penalty, mass-destruction and assassinations produces
energy and “matter”, on which alien feeds and flourishes.
murder, death penalty, mass-destruction and assassinations produces
energy and “matter”, on which alien feeds and flourishes.
sexual perversion, child abuse, mass shootings and carbombs are not
human, but flourish under alien influence. Overconsumption, animal
slaughter, pollution, planned extinctions, and ecological
recklessness are not human, but the result of (alien) strategies to
provoke mass-suicide.
sexual perversion, child abuse, mass shootings and carbombs are not
human, but flourish under alien influence. Overconsumption, animal
slaughter, pollution, planned extinctions, and ecological
recklessness are not human, but the result of (alien) strategies to
provoke mass-suicide.
these hidden alien powers existing under our feet, in an inner,
hollow and hidden earth or do they live on the Moon or Mars, visiting
and exploiting our earth. I think you don't have to look that far.
It's hidden in plain sight. Look in the mirror! We carry that alien
parasite around, with us. It sometimes takes over completely
(possessment, abduction). Sometimes it is dormant. But it is always
these hidden alien powers existing under our feet, in an inner,
hollow and hidden earth or do they live on the Moon or Mars, visiting
and exploiting our earth. I think you don't have to look that far.
It's hidden in plain sight. Look in the mirror! We carry that alien
parasite around, with us. It sometimes takes over completely
(possessment, abduction). Sometimes it is dormant. But it is always
“alien” is inside us and we don't realise that. It controls our
brain, our soul, thoughts and actions. It creates blind spots, where
you don't dare to look. This “their” power and our doom.
“alien” is inside us and we don't realise that. It controls our
brain, our soul, thoughts and actions. It creates blind spots, where
you don't dare to look. This “their” power and our doom.
to do? Start deprogramming your self. Ban all the above mentioned out
of your mind, your thoughts and actions. Concentrate on the “human”
character: peace, understanding, love, growth, sharing, care and
excellence. To name a few.
to do? Start deprogramming your self. Ban all the above mentioned out
of your mind, your thoughts and actions. Concentrate on the “human”
character: peace, understanding, love, growth, sharing, care and
excellence. To name a few.
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