
Monkey sing Monkey song
The term “the Butterfly effect” refers to a holistic view on our world. Everything is part of a whole (with a greater significance). Everything is interconnected and relates to one another. As far as you go in your analysis, there alway is a connection. The disturbance created bij the wings of butterfly, will finally create a typhon in the “Dragons Triangle”. These are patterns, that rule our world. Organizations (organisms, culture or civilization), so says the 2nd law of thermodynamics, will slowly, but unstoppable turn into chaos. A “law” which is completely incompatible with the “Big-Bang-theory”. The birth of our universe was explosive and chaotic (incomprehensable), but slowly developed, over billions of years into our solar system, which is predictable, compact and will last 4ever. On the other hand modern science detects all kinds of threats and extinction level events, which will tumble our stable world, into disaster, destruction and annihilation. In short, we are programmed to believe in several horror-scenario's, which are about to happen. Exploding supervolcanoes, solar storms, destructive pole-shifts, asteroid impacts, greenhouse gasses, giant tsunami's or just a simple world-war.
We are creating this future, out of fear and misunderstanding willingly and knowingly by destroying all the natural connections. How? Bij killing the bees, the birds, the butterflies, the trees, the plankton and all of the vulnerable and neglected “basics” of our world. By progressively polluting the oceans, the air and the planet. Even outer-space and the moon! This opens a “Pandora's Box” of evil, annihilation and the extintion of humanity.
Quid Bono?
The police found the murder victim in the deserted wharehouse. His upper-torso was hanging in chains from the ceiling, the rest was laying on the floor in a meditation-like pose. Another victim of a gang-war. Cut perfectly in half by a chainsaw, while he was still alive after being tortured by electrical shocks. What a way to go at 30. The doctor says, that the dead man, would get into shock almost immediately and bleed out in seconds. What a relief. Did this Hispanic gangmember suffer? Why was he tortured and literally slaughtered. Because of the “Code”, the total devotion to the “family”, which he broke, by falling in love with an undercover cop. He warned her, that her true identity was reveiled, and that she had to run. Which the attractive police-woman did. What reasons would he have, to choose a certain death? He knew, what was coming to him. Probably punished traitors himself. Is this an example of true love? At least it is over-the-top television (CSI).
The Mongols, a medieval gang-collective on horse-back, that even threatened Europe at a time, had a special treatment for traitors. It was called “The Slow Death”. The convicted Mongol was tied to the centre pole of a nomad tent. Every morning a small piece of him would be cut of: a finger, a toe or an ear. Special torture-masters turned it into an art: keeping the traitor alive, as long as possible. Did these fellow human beings suffer?
I once visited Auschwitz. A perfect place when you study “suffering”. I was most impressed, not by the massive scale of suffering, but by the fact that representatives of human kind (the Nazi's), created a hell, within this place of horror. I don't mean the ovens or the gass-chamber, but I mean the prison of this death-camp. Every camp-prisoner had a specific number (tatoo), code and color: Jews, homo-sexuals, gypsies and political prisoners. IBM's “proto-computers” made the selection and classification easy. There was one group of prisoners, who were not numbered and who were wearing the color of death. The guards of the camps could do with them, whatever they choosed: humilation, beatings and the chance to be shot at the spot. In the end, the ended up in the prison of Auschwitz. A collection of dark cells. Here they got a special treatment of torture, beatings, medical experiments and amputations. In the end they ended up against the wall, un the prison-yard to be shot. The bullit impacts are still to be seen.
Did they suffer?
Jesus was heavenly beaten and tortured, before he was forced to carry his cross to the place of execution. Here was nailed to the cross, together with two other convicts, where he died, before the end of the day. All in all Jesus' suffering lasted 24 hours, at the most. Christians believe, that in this day, Christ washed away, all our sins. But because of miscommunication and misconduct we move away from “the Code” and we are doomed to suffer in this life and probably in the next (heaven or hell and/or endless reincarnation).
I think, we have suffered enough and, by the way, there are millions of people, who don't suffer at all, so they think, or maybe because of lack of media exposure and invitations and in the meanwhile this Elite earns millions of dollars a week.
Jesus and all the other victims of mankind seem to illustrate that homo sapiens. is the only mammal that kills, tortures and eats its own species. It also commits genocide and mass-murder (till this very moment).
Let's make an end to this lie and doctrine, simply by relieving the suffering of your fellow-men. You have 7 billion relatives to choose from. Start today. Then the concept of suffering will slowly fade away and did Jesus' and all the others; man, woman and child, not die in vain.
Harlingen door Russen en Duitsers bevrijdt
In november 1813 is het einde van twee decennia Napoleontische overheersing nabij. De Franse legers zijn in Rusland vernietigend verslagen en trekken zich in grote wanorde naar het westen terug. In Harlingen wemelt het van de Franse soldaten, terwijl er nog meer onderweg zijn. Duitse troepen, versterkt met Kozakken, elite-soldaten van het Russische tsaristische leger, zitten de achterhoede van de Fransen op de hielen.
In de havens van Harlingen liggen al dagen een aantal Franse oorlogsschepen. De wanorde in de stad neemt en de Franse bevelvoerder laat de kanonnen op de wallen draaien, zodat ze op de stad gericht zijn. Hij hoopte de Harlingers op die manier onder druk te zetten. Die zijn hier niet van gediend en de spanning loopt. Ondertussen bereiken steeds meer Franse achterblijvers de stad. Stormachtig weer verhindert echter de Franse schepen om uit te varen en naar Holland over te steken. Vaten met buskruit worden naar de schepen getransporteerd. lt.-kol. Tjalling van de Nationale Garde maakt van de gelegenheid gebruik om de bewaking kruitmagazijn van de Fransen over te nemen. De stad raakt overvol en de Harlingers beginnen de verslagen soldaten uit te jouwen, terwijl dronken Franse kanonniers door de stegen zwerven en hun soldij opeisen.
De Duitse troepen hebben dan Franeker al bereikt, maar hun voortgang wordt gehinderd door slechte wegen. Harlingen lijkt op een kruitvat, waarvoor 1 vonk voldoende is, om het te laten ontploffen. Er ontstaan vechtpartijen tussen burgers en soldaten. Dan wordt het de magistraten van de stad te gortig. Zij brengen het gerucht in de wereld dat de Kozakken Harlingen hadden bereikt. Voor deze Russische cavalerie in Duitse dienst hadden de Franse troepen een heilig ontzag tijdens de Russische veldtocht een heilig ontzag gekregen. Er ontstond paniek en de Fransen gingen hals over kop aan boord. Toen de schepen uitvoeren, stonden de havenhoofden zwart van de mensen, die de Fransen uitjouwden en juichend “Oranje boven schreeuwden, terwijl de restanten van de “Grande Armee” afdropen. 18 jaar revolutie en strijd werd luidruchtig en hartgrondig afgesloten.
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