george lincoln rockwell
After the assassination of George Lincoln Roxwell the presence of National-Socialism, Adolf Hitler and the Swastika, did not disappear from the public domain. Several (splinter-)groups exist (mainly in the Mid-West, have formed heavily armed militia and present themselves in marches in major towns; demonstrations that attract even more Anti-Nazi-protestors. The American Constitution gives every person or group the freedom of speech and the right to show it. Hundreds of police-men have to prevent clashes with demonstrators, while Swastika-flags are exposed and Nazi-sympathisers should “Sieg Heil” and “White Power”. It is a story of hate and a anti-government attitude. Nazi-groops are heavenly armed and act agressive and violent towards illigal immigrants and non-whites. In Arizona independent,well equiped and armed vigilantes” patrol the borders and highways to prevent drugtrafficking and illegal immigration. They will shoot to kill if necessary.
Nazi (Aryan) groops, want to deport all non-whites to turn America in to the Aryan Motherland. They don't seem to realize that they must deport themselves to Europe, because they were immigrants from Europe, that entered the country from the 17th century, untill now. The local Indians were hunted down and deported. Land was taken away and the survivors of this continental genocide lost their culture, their land and their future. Columbus-day is no festival for indiginous Indians, more the arrival of horror, looting and destruction on American soil.
Diseases struck and decimated the Indian tribes in Meso- and South America. European diseases like the small-pox and measles were imported by the conquistadores, with disastrous effects. Large Aztec- and Inca-cities turned into ghost-towns in a decade. The Spaniards and the Portugese did not care. For the American tribes were children of Satan. Preferably hanged or burned in groupes of 13, to conmemorate Jesus and the 12 Apostles. Islands in the Caribean were completely depopulated.
The Spaniards ran into a problem. Indians did not seem fit to do hard labour. Plantation-owners complained about their slaves. Their workforce melted away.
The solution lay 7000 miles to the East. European, including Dutch traders imported African slaves untill the midst 19th century, when officially slavery was banned in most European States and the USA.
It is important to keep in mind, that the foundation of the wealth of the West is create by means of the slave trade and the explotation of colonies all around the world. All in the name of a christian God and the supremacy of the white race.
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