dinsdag 4 maart 2014

2008 – 2013


The Smash Brothers

Made out of nine short episodes, this documentary series (The Smash Brothers) is possibly one of the best e-Sport documentary films of all time. The complete world of Smash Bros. is unraveled and producers have successfully elaborated why competitive players like this casual game. Smash Bros. was never meant to be competitive game.

Best UFO Cases Ever Caught on Tape

An increasing number of UFO cases have been reported by people all over the world. Video cameras are now capturing hundreds of these baffling unidentified flying objects which puzzle both those who believe and those who don't.
On this program there'll be presented the most compelling videotaped evidence of extraordinary and unknown craft ever shown anywhere and hear from a top government physicist, a video analyst, and the eyewitnesses themselves. Could these be actual alien spacecraft, sophisticated military vehicles hidden from the public or incredible hoaxes? You decide for yourself as we examine the best UFO cases ever caught on tape.

666 Revealed

Lucifer, Beelzebub, Belial, Prince of Darkness, The Wicked One, Old Nick, Mephistopheles, Satan... the devil goes by many names and has had many faces over the years, but who exactly is he? What does he look like? His very existence has been a source of debate within the Christian Church since its beginning. Is this supreme evil still walking the Earth, tempting, seducing and corrupting those of little faith?

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